<aside> 👋🏻 Hello and welcome! The Data Garden Guidebook is a free resource that invites you to share stories about your lives or surroundings to your friends through data visualisations, using creative coding in p5.js.


<aside> 🌼 What is data visualisation? Data visualisation is a way to represent information or data with graphic or visual elements—such as charts, drawings, or animations—to make data more memorable and easier to understand.

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Dear Data by Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec


<aside> 🌼 What is creative coding? Creative coding is a practice of producing artworks such as images, videos, graphics, or music, using coding and software. Here, we’ll be using a platform called p5.js.

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2D flower by Kazuki Umeda, created in p5.js


Data Garden Syllabus

<aside> 🖤 This project was built on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We’d like to pay our respects to Elders past and present, and to the deep knowledge systems and cultures of First Nations communities and language groups. We acknowledge sovereignty was never ceded.


<aside> 🌼 Have questions? Read our FAQ below.


Who is this resource for?

What can I expect from this resource?

How to use this resource

How long does it take from start to finish?

What is the Data Garden?

Why did you build this resource?

Translations on this resource

<aside> ✍🏼 Attributions for our learning material goes to p5.js, The Coding Train, our mentor Karen Ann Donnachie, and other incredible resources and educators that make the world of creative coding discoverable, and accessible.


<aside> 💜 The Data Garden Project is supported by the Blackbird Foundation, and is grown in partnership with the Processing Foundation. Thank you for supporting and catalysing us to continue this work.


<aside> ➡️ Let’s get started! Introduction to the Data Garden Course
